Hi there, I'm

Tim Dirks

Software engineer & Front end wizkid

The man behind the bun

What I know
Web development with HTML, TypeScript, Sass & Webpack Vue.js & React including frameworks like Nuxt Unit testing with Jest & End-to-End testing with Cypress Even some serious game development with Unity & C#
What I do
Over 4 years of development experience with large scale Single Page web applications and Visually strong websites Constantly evolving how to structure projects and write code with new tools and design patterns Often fiddling to create tiny animations
Who I am
Eager, silly, man bun. Three words (okay, technically four words) that would best describe me. I love what I do and I take pride in my work, so when it comes to coding, I take it serious. When it comes to something else, maybe not always ;)

Showcasing what I can

OWOW is the digital agency I have worked many years for. It finally became time to revamp the website which is filled with amazing design. The project was created with a combination of Blade and Vue.js and uses Wordpress as the CMS. Amazing animations and other visuals was of the upmost importance in the end result.
Curious? Check out the site
Edition One
Edition One is an ecommerce web platform for custom, made to size suits. The project involved technical challenges like a multi-step size calculation wizard and order & account management. All the while the end result needed to be responsive and look visually excellent.
Curious? Check out the site
Eager to see more of me or want to send me a message?
Curious how I write code? Check out this site's code base here